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Холивудският актьор Патрик Суейзи почина на 57 г. !Swayze died!

Холивудският актьор Патрик Суейзи почина от рак на 57 г. !

„Гардиън”: Патрик Суейзи почина на 57 години !

15 септември 2009 | 05:07 |

Лондон. Холивудският актьор Патрик Суейзи почина на 57 годишна възраст, след 2-годишно боледуване от рак на панкреаса, отразява трагичното събитие британският вестник „Гардиън”.
Въпреки болестта Суейзи продължи да работи и по време на лечението си. Освен че пишеше мемоарите си, наскоро Суейзи направи успешен телевизионен сериал „Звярът”, разказващ историята на бивш агент на ФБР. Преди няколко дни Патрик Суейзи е напуснал болницата, в която се е лекувал, за да бъде със съпругата си Лиза Ниеми.
Въпреки напредналата болест по време на снимките на сериала „Звярът” Суейзи не е взимал болкоуспокояващи лекарства, за да не попречи действието им на изпълнението на актьора, пише още вестникът.

Агенция "Фокус"

Swayze died with his family at his side, his publicist said. Photograph: Mario Anzuoni/Reuters.

Helen Pidd

The Guardian, Tuesday 15 September 2009

Hollywood actor Patrick Swayze, 57, died last night after living with pancreatic cancer for almost two years. The star of Dirty Dancing and Ghost died with his family at his side, his publicist said.

Swayze went public with his illness last spring, and worked as he had treatment. He was writing a memoir and recently made The Beast, a well-received cable TV series about a veteran FBI agent.

Days ago it was reported he had left hospital to be at home with his wife, Lisa Niemi, his boyhood sweetheart from Houston.

Swayze had said that he opted not to use painkillers while making The Beast because they would have taken the edge off his performance, but he never shied away from the fact time might be running out. When he first went public, some reports gave him weeks to live, but his doctor said his situation was "considerably more optimistic" than that.

"I'd say five years is pretty wishful thinking," Swayze told ABC TV's Barbara Walters early this year. "Two years seems likely if you're going to believe statistics. I want to last until they find a cure, which means I'd better get a fire under it."

Swayze will be best remembered for Dirty Dancing, made in 1987. As the snake-hipped dance instructor Johnny Castle, he taught gawky teenager Frances "Baby" Houseman to dance, and won the hearts of teenage girls with the immortal line, "No one puts baby in the corner."

The 1990 film Ghost cemented Swayze as a favourite, playing a murdered man trying to communicate with his fiancee through a spirit played by Whoopi Goldberg. After early success, his personal life took a turn for the worse. Unable to cope with his father's death and sister's suicide in 1994, he repeatedly lapsed into alcoholism. In 1996 he broke both legs in a horse-riding stunt; in 2000 he made an emergency landing in his Cessna, and appeared to attempt to remove a crate of drink from the plane.

But in recent years he had made a comeback, playing Nathan Detroit in the West End revival of Guys And Dolls in 2006.

http://www.guardian.co.uk/Bulgaria Times

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